salam and holla to everyone :)i'm MOHAMMAD IKMALLUDIN and IKMALZ fer short,i'm sixteen this year :) i'll love u double if u showed me YOUR love first to me :P .u hate me? i hate u triple and get off from my page,or i'll kick your ass.i have many great friends :) proud being a SON of ENCIK AHMAD and PUAN FARIDAH ;) n proud to be born as MUSLIM,, ISLAM !!
welcome to my darkness page and u have to find your touchlight if u wanna read my page :P bhahaha
see ya !

-ujian melimpah-ruah-

so epi arr dis night going to surau behind my house for terawih,, when I step in de surau,, fuhhh I hear the voice of the TOK IMAM~ sooo merdu menusuk kalbu!! quickly go in there and i saw der TOK IMAM,, lol,, he was kecikkk than me,, even sora pown ta baligh lg~(sedap plak sora tak baligh lg) rsa cering sat gk tgk imam kecik lg from me~ huhu,, feel like want to kick him out and I be the tok imam plak... shuuhh... shuuhh ... hak3

but the happy feeling does not last longer when I made a sssoooo big big huge mistake!! i pray beside pacik mna tah,, his body.. fuhh,, BONZER + BOB,, tapa arr,, then I realizzzzze dat his breath!! like toxic!! den he started to sweat... his ketiak.. masyallah!! mcm *******, erk,, egt nk lari dh lepas habis smyang tu,, then de most bad thing happen,, aigoo when tahiyat akhir,, he sit on my leg that make my leg meletop-letop and then tergeliat,, ark~ today I juz make two rakaat becoz of dat incident,, everyone were looking at me after finish pray at dat time, cering tu da gak ckit,, dok lar srg2 kat tangga tu menanti my parentt

then the bad luck hit me N hit me again... how can I go back home with my right leg tergeliat?? how can I put on gear to my motor without using my right's leg?? using my hand?? aiya... I have to call my parent lar to pick me at the surau.. tup tup they pray at Mergong plak dh... haiya.. I have to wait until 10:30 arr... 23 rakaat.. aduh.. bkan tatau.. when it is cold.. my leg feel sooo painful!! then when I see my parent come.. seeing their face at that time is like seeing the Angle coming to take me to heaven,, hak3,, merapu pa tah...

it is so grateful when i am in the home... fuhhh... but not for my leg... wuwu..

dats all my story tonight,,
what a sad story to me larr,,

cheer up!!

so messy -_-

.....................opening MY COMPUTER.......................
.........opening local disk c............
O_O !!!!
my eyes turn like this O_O !! when saw my folder contain about 180 blogskins that i've been download today,and all my black eyes gone ~,~ because i took an hour for delete seturn blogskins that cannot polish my heart completely XP i've to choose which skins that can kidnap my heart away and FOR 180 skins!!! @__@...edit blogskins such a PAIN but really FUN u know ~ and my bradeeer said "kalo dl blogskin tu dpt duet xpa la jugak $_$" ciss engkau , hahaha

bout today~
for GOD's sake, I never thought dat my teacher will give so so many omwork lar, when my friend tell me what omwork today on de phone call(da ta pi kolah kna lar tya gna enset) oh my god! I have to do my bio-score 20 page!! more worse it is for de exam on september,, 20% kowt,, fail lar exam klo x wat,, ark! when I can raya?? dats not include chemist,fizik,bm,bi omwork lg,, aigoo,, god!! help me!! holiday just 2 weeks but omwork is like 2 month,,

by the way~ i lurve this video^^ i get it from bdak mner tahh^^

if dis truly happen,, tadak perokok dh aih... hak3
so good lar dis video!!

dats all

bateri kong~ otak kong~

lalalalalla~ essay2

Bila rasa ingin menangis.. hubungilah saya.. bukan saya nak suruh awak berhenti menangis... tapi mungkin saya boleh menangis dengan awak skali... tapi tak leh ramai sangat.. nanti habih air mata saya... sahabat... jika terasa tiba2 nak melarikan diri... jauh dari masalah... hubungilah saya... saya takkan suruh awak berhenti.. tapi.. mungkin saya akan berlari bersama awak agar masalah awak boleh selesai... tapi jangan laju sangat, saya lari tak laju.., saya nak kaki saya pendek dan saya takut tak larat... sahabat.. jika awak kecewa keluargamu tak bahagia.. beritahulah saya.. saya takkan buat awak benci kepada ibu bapa awak.. tapi..terimalah segala ketentuan allah... sahabat.. jika awak kecewa dengan hubungan kawan awak tu satu hari nanti... ceritalah pada saya.. saya takkan sebut nama perempuan/lelaki itu...tetapi..cubalah jadi lelaki/wanita yang lebih baik/bijak... tetapi sahabat.. jika suatu hari saya berdiam diri.. saya tidak membalas message awak.. saya tidak angkat panggilan dari awak... hubungilah saya segera... sebab waktu itu saya.. ermmm..saya perlukan awak... atau saya sudah tiada lagi di dunia ini..

Hate those things !!

1.when i'm talking,there's no one pay attention to me

2.while taking picture,and someone quickly blocking on me !!!

3.when someone YM me,and i quickly reply on him/her , but him/her doesn't reply on me at ALL when i'm YM-ing him/her

4.when i questioned him/her about something , then him/her question me back for the same thing one,,, now i hate LINE !


welcome back -_-

hate it!

today idk why but my brother had so many angin in his big stomach.... and the victim is me~arrrhhh.... from the morning till now its 4 am already... he still kentut~ing!! hate de sound!! hate de smell!! arghh!! hate him!! big fat fart guy!! almost dead sucking this poisonous air!! please help me... ark... sorry U had to read dis^^ kih3... pi muntah kat tmpt len lar noh...

cheer up^^

jajajaja~ tomorrow going to LANGKAWI!! bye2 alor stuck,, kih3... sori alor stuck^^ but not so happy go there~ coz i have go there hufff~ maybe more than 50 times oready... but out from this boring house... better go to LANGKAWI^^ finally a vacation^^ wah33... mybe can visit KUAH for shopping^^ PANTAI CHENANG for cfood^^ KAMPUNg BUKU^^ xaxaxa~ air terjun^^ cold~ really near to my new house in Langkawi^^ now syiqin order for ole2~ see if I can remember^^ huhu^^ mybe bring back a picture to her ckup lar yer~ kih3... jgn mrah norh~ apepown!! LANGKAWI~ HERE I COME!!