salam and holla to everyone :)i'm MOHAMMAD IKMALLUDIN and IKMALZ fer short,i'm sixteen this year :) i'll love u double if u showed me YOUR love first to me :P .u hate me? i hate u triple and get off from my page,or i'll kick your ass.i have many great friends :) proud being a SON of ENCIK AHMAD and PUAN FARIDAH ;) n proud to be born as MUSLIM,, ISLAM !!
welcome to my darkness page and u have to find your touchlight if u wanna read my page :P bhahaha
see ya !

hate it!

today idk why but my brother had so many angin in his big stomach.... and the victim is me~arrrhhh.... from the morning till now its 4 am already... he still kentut~ing!! hate de sound!! hate de smell!! arghh!! hate him!! big fat fart guy!! almost dead sucking this poisonous air!! please help me... ark... sorry U had to read dis^^ kih3... pi muntah kat tmpt len lar noh...

cheer up^^

jajajaja~ tomorrow going to LANGKAWI!! bye2 alor stuck,, kih3... sori alor stuck^^ but not so happy go there~ coz i have go there hufff~ maybe more than 50 times oready... but out from this boring house... better go to LANGKAWI^^ finally a vacation^^ wah33... mybe can visit KUAH for shopping^^ PANTAI CHENANG for cfood^^ KAMPUNg BUKU^^ xaxaxa~ air terjun^^ cold~ really near to my new house in Langkawi^^ now syiqin order for ole2~ see if I can remember^^ huhu^^ mybe bring back a picture to her ckup lar yer~ kih3... jgn mrah norh~ apepown!! LANGKAWI~ HERE I COME!!


starting de holiday maaa~ many sggh on9^^ happy chatting with them^^ then they dissappear,,pi cuti lar.... then yesterday my last friend gone to penang~ today I am so so so BORING!! coz all of my friend gone to hola~ hola~ holiday... now I miss them... really~ now I know feel so lonely~ my phone~ the battery was damage... hate it!! feel like want to kill somebody but nasib bek iman tguh^^ feel so BORING!! miss my friend~


assalamualaikum, hello my name is ikmal^^ U can call me ikmalz coz i am use to dat nickname^^,, ahaks,, still 15 now 16 after 19.8,, penat aih tggu nk dpat lesen motor!! my school?? idk^^ thats all^^ anything else?? juz ask me k?? ^^